A bit of a lull in proceedings during April with the draft Regeneration Framework out for public comment until 24 April. This final phase is a last opportunity to make sure what is in the draft Framework is accurate and identifies the projects which were outlined (and supported) in the first public consultation event and then, in more detail, in the second public consultation.
Hopefully everyone has had an opportunity to look at the document (there is a link on the website). It is a huge document but much of it is background information and research which we will need when we begin to apply for funding as well as identifying all the projects we will look to deliver in the next years.
At the Board’s April meeting the majority of the theme leads reported on their priorities within their themes and their views were supported by the Board. These were, in the main, some of the more “easy to deliver” projects as well as doing some of the groundwork for
more complex projects.
The last s
tep in the process is for the Board to formally adopt the Regeneration Framework and for Wyre Council’s Cabinet to consider it at their meeting on 1 June.
Jan Finch
Chair, Greater Garstang Partnership Board