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Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the public exhibition on 1st December and I hope that anyone who could not attend in person was able to see the exhibition panels and the more detailed “interventions” document on the Board’s website.

The consultation closed on 19 December and the feedback has been collated and shared with the consultants and the Board. I’m pleased to say that there was broad support for the proposed “interventions” outlined in the exhibition and for the Board’s proposed approach to revitalising the town without compromising its unique character.

2022 will see everything we did last year come together in the production of a draft Regeneration and Investment Framework which will form the basis of the Board’s work over the next few years.

The draft Framework will be presented to the February Board meeting and published for public comment so please keep an eye out for further details and timings on

this website and on Facebook (TheGreaterGarstangPartnershipBoard) and on Twitter (greatergarstang).

Once we have completed the public comment phase the final Regeneration Framework, (with any amendments deemed necessary), will be formally adopted and published by the Board.

This document will give us the basis for working up detailed project plans and funding bids in the months and years ahead.

Jan Finch

Chair, Greater Garstang Partnership Board

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